Grace Lutheran Church
Sunday Worship Schedule
Worship Service  9:30am
Fellowship         10:30am
Adult Bible Discussion 8:30am
Sunday School (preK-12)  8:30am

7610 NE Fremont
Portland, OR 97213
(503) 254-8034
Grace Lutheran School
Grace Lutheran School
Kindergarten through 8th

2252 SE 92nd Ave
Portland, OR 97216
503-230-1354 Fax
Precious Lambs
Precious Lambs Preschool
3 to 5 years old

2252 SE 92nd Ave
Portland, OR 97216
503-230-1354 Fax

Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church
Our church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). We are a congregation striving to teach the truth of God’s Word in the Portland, Oregon area. We teach that the Bible was inspired and written by God through man. Through our preschool and grade schools, we bring up children to know and love their savior Jesus. We hope you will enjoy your time here with us, and we hope to meet you virtually and in person soon!